
Roads To Zen

A holistic travel facility aiming to create life-changing experiences for the benefit of all sentient beings

Live with compassion and awareness!

Roads To Zen was created to share with you, all of our travel experiences, local friends and connections and offer you holistic experiences, in tune with nature and all its beings. We currently only offer retreats on the small island of Gozo and share our favorite places to eat, laugh, walk,... all wrapped with yoga, massages, nature and animals. Basically, to do good! 
With compassion and love, we believe these experiences will help you become more aware and provide you with a clearer vision of what is happening in the world and what we individually (and together) can do to help.
At the same time, we really want you to get to know this place you visit. Showing the beauty and how we are all interconnected: mother earth, nature, animals and all sentient beings from all over the world. Ultimately the entire universe.  And while you experience this,  you'll be gaining knowledge about the climate emergency and what we all can do, every day, to create a positive impact. 

A Special Level of Care

Knowing that every single day, you have the power to make a possitive change
towards others, our planet and all its beings will make you feel empowered and confident. 
This way you can be happier, healthier and more succesful.  Therefore
help yourself and others!

GOZO retreat...

Personalized travel packages adjusted to your interests and preferences. We can work together to create the perfect journey for you. Focused on nature, health, buddhism, yoga, animal welfare,...

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We teach globaly but can also provide you with a lot of tips and tricks for a happy, lean and healthy body in a happy mind, even while traveling. As all is connected, we believe this helps you in all aspects of life.

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...about traveling, personal connections with local NGO's and people. Our favorite places.
An environmental platform combined with animal welfare, yoga and beyond... it's all here waiting for you!

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"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks"

John Muir